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The Trinity in Rome program offers students in all disciplines the exciting opportunity to live and learn in one of the oldest and most international cities in the world.

The Trinity College Rome Campus offers courses taught by regular and visiting Trinity faculty members that are approved as a regular part of the Trinity undergraduate curriculum and for which students thus receive Trinity credit. Grades for all courses taken by Trinity students in Rome calculate into their GPAs in the same manner that they do in Hartford. Students who wish to apply courses to their major must receive approval from their department chair. The courses are conducted in English except for those in Italian language and literature. As emphasis is placed on place-based, experiential learning, a portion of instructional time for most courses occurs in the city. Instructors lead students on site visits to cultural places of import to supplement classroom lectures.

Trinity in Rome programs are offered in the summer, fall, January, and spring semesters. (Courses vary from term to term.)

Trinity in Rome prerequisites

3.0 GPA with exceptions for summer and January.

Students who wish to pursue study away must visit the OSA website to familiarize themselves with important College information and guidelines pertaining to study away.

All students on financial aid may apply their aid to any programs approved by Trinity College (see the OSA website for a complete list of approved study-away programs). Students who receive financial aid and who plan to study away should contact the Financial Aid Office with any aid-related questions. Trinity financial aid can be applied to semester study away programming and some Trinity faculty-led January Term programs.